This is an excerpt from an in-depth article I ghostwrote for an online printing company. You can read the full version on their blog.

Great poster design is an art form unto itself. Through striking visuals, stark contrast, playful use of typography and clever wording, they frequently go beyond being mere promotional items and become bold expressions of creativity, evoking a strong response in viewers. So today we are going to talk about the individual elements which can elevate your poster design to award-winning new heights.

Bulk poster printing is a very cost-effective way for promoting your events, advertising your product, business or service and getting your message out. But to really stand out, your poster needs to be clear, grab attention and convey crucial information within seconds.

How can you achieve all this with one unified poster design? To explore how individual factors contribute to the finished product, we have compiled 10 top tips on how to stand out with great poster design. Following these basic principles will help you maximize the effectiveness of your posters.

Convey a clear message or idea

Jakob writes - How To Stand Out With Great Poster Design

Retro Robot – Joel D. Poischen. The large visual grabs attention and the retro look illustrates the theme of retrospective.

Jakob writes - How To Stand Out With Great Poster Design - Masterminds

Masterminds – Neil V Fernando. Event poster series.

Optimize for readability

Jakob writes - How To Stand Out With Great Poster Design - Imagine

Imagine Film Festival – Nick Liefhebber. Your poster needs to be legible at a distance and follow a clear hierarchy.

Be creative in composition but coherent in structure

Jakob writes - How To Stand Out With Great Poster Design - Call to Action

Call to action poster – Lindsey Pashko. A very simple structure combined with a creative composition creates engagement.

Jakob writes - How To Stand Out With Great Poster Design - Socialist Realism

CSocialist Realism – Przemek Bizoń. Minimal variation for a series makes a poster easily recognizable.


Find the right balance

Jakob writes - How To Stand Out With Great Poster Design - The Qontinent

The Qontintent 2015 – Tarek Okbir & Antoine Collignon. This festival poster strikes a balance between post apocalyptic feeling and sunny, warm atmosphere. Notice the symmetry and willful imbalance: all visuals on top, all text at the bottom.

Jakob writes - How To Stand Out With Great Poster Design - Nemo No Mo

nemo? no mo’. – Sharon Forrence. Bold use of empty space is part of the concept here and puts focus on the main element.

Choose your size and format wisely

Jakob writes - How To Stand Out With Great Poster Design - Punch Drunk Love

Punch-Drunk Love – Joel D. Poischen. Movie posters are usually vertical, so a horizontal approach can really stand out.


Jakob writes - How To Stand Out With Great Poster Design - ABC Typography


Jakob writes - How To Stand Out With Great Poster Design - Listen to Typography

Listen to Typography – Selman Hoşgör.


Jakob writes - How To Stand Out With Great Poster Design - Movember

You’re 1 in a million – Movember Campaign – James Ring.

Jakob writes - How To Stand Out With Great Poster Design - China vs Chinatown

China VS. Chinatown (series) – Mengwen Xiang.

Know your audience

Jakob writes - How To Stand Out With Great Poster Design - Autumn Jazz

Poster for Autumn Jazz Season in Kyiv – Sergiy Maidukov.

Evoke a response

Jakob writes - How To Stand Out With Great Poster Design - Give peace a chance

Give Peace a Chance – Agnes Eszter Sólymos.

Call to Action

Jakob writes - How To Stand Out With Great Poster Design - Energy Savings

Energy Awareness Month 2011. In many cases, a website is sufficient as CTA for your poster.


Even in our digital times of websites and apps, printed posters with great design are still an effective and efficient way of communicating your message and exposing your audience to your promotion.

The above is an excerpt. You can read the full version of the article on the Chilliprinting blog.